Saturday, January 31, 2009

Still Fabyoulous

Two years into this thing and I'm still going strong. What are you doing? How ya' livin'? Life is great. Both my children are out of the house and we're single again. Of course AC (after children) we're still parents, but the day-to-day is different. They're both in college. Thank goodness they're finding their way. Anyway, I'm doing some exciting things. You know, it really is never too late to start over. I don't bemoan any decision that I made the first half of my life. I did what I did. But today is another day. And today, I'll start from here. Did anyone see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button? What food for thought. I'm doing this life. If you want to enjoy yours, you'd better do the same. Talk back to me. Peace


Friday, May 25, 2007

Where's The Party

My birthday is in September, and I'm planning a 3-day celebration. I having at least 2 parties: one for the relatives and one for my fellow fabyoulousat50 friends. Send me your ideas about cool things that I can do. Right now, I'm thinking about reserving a large room at a local hotel, hiring a DJ who knows how to play Old School music, and have some intimate discussions about the music in the day. I love Earth, Wind, and Fire, but admittedly, I didn't know what they were talking about most of the time. Stevie Wonder, my all time favorite, will definitely be a topic of "deep" discussion.
I am also going to have a pajama party with my closest '75 classmates; and an old fashion Tea with a larger gathering of friends and a brunch at my favorite get-away. I am still thinking, though. I have other ideas for contest at my parties. Like, "name that tune" or make a list of the most popular slang in the day will be a few. If you have other ideas, post them. When this week of jamn’is over, I want to look back and say "I did it all."

Friday, May 11, 2007

1975 Was a Good Year

Hey Guys,

Do you member how much fun we had back in '75? The great music (more about the music next week) the great basketball and football games; man we had a lot of fun! Remember the slang of the day? Everything was "kool" or "deep" or "heavy" or a "trip." We wore clothes that define who we were and we ate lots of burgers that never showed on the scale. Hell, what scale-- we were eating as much pizza and drinking as many shakes and soda as we could hold. I know, I know, I was a square, but I was having fun! And guess what, I can still eat all those things thanks to being well educated on the latest diets and exercise regimes. Yes, I’m looking pret-ty good for a soon to be fifty year old. I like the sound of that--fifty.

You know, 1975 was a good year, but so is 2007! I'm loving my life. I am doing what I want and being who I want to be. What are you up to? If you are fabyoulousat50 and proud, hit me back with the great stuff coming your way. This is the time to celebrate; you're still here and as long as you're here you may as well have a party. That’s my motto. Now, your kind of party may not be my kind of party. But like we used to say: "You do your thing; I'll do mine... it’s beautiful. Ain't that just kool, man?


Friday, May 04, 2007

Five Months Deep

Welcome class of 1975; born in 1957. This makes us the class of 1957 and 1975! How ya' living? Living well I'm sure. It's May 2007, and almost half of us are 50 now. I know you've got some stories, so share them with us. Now, you'd better start talking fast, because when September comes you won't get a word in through the cracks; I'll be 50 and it will be on like...yeah.

You know by now that they're saying that 50 is the new 30? I say, if we play our cards right, we can ride this wave until, say, 75 or 80. Well, that's my plan anyway. I feel great, I look great, and I'm working on feeling and looking even better. My saying these days is, "Why not!"

Why not have it my way, why not do it my way, why not, why not, why not. You know all the cliches about growing better. But are you living it? You've heard it all so there is nothing I can say that will make a difference in what you're doing. Because, face it, you're doing exactly what you want to do, if you're honest.

You're doing what works for you--safe or not. You're feeling the way you want to feel--good or bad. You have what you want to have--little or lot. I just hope you're happy with whatever it is.
because this is it! Now, you have the mic, what say you? Is 50 better than any other time or what?

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Here's to Golden Times

10% Saving until Dec 26

Friday, November 24, 2006

Lela Hannibal of Houston Texas

I am so excited about turning 50 next year! I've been "single again" for 15 years; successfully raised two beautiful God fearing daughters while serving as an Associate Pastor for Women's Ministries; [IT] Director; and friend and mentor to many. I've learned that sisters need a different pair of shoes for each season of their life, as each season offers a different type of journey. The more seasoned that we become the less comfortable we become about wearing somebody else's shoes. Embrace and enjoy the things that make you unique. After all before you know it, somebody's going to be asking to wear your shoes!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

From Vanessa of Detroit

I will be celebrating my 50th on November 2nd! I am so excited!! My daughter, family, and friends are planning the event to be held Saturday, November 4th at the Lathrup Village Community Ballroom in Lathrup Village, MI.

My family, friends from my childhood, church family, and others will be in attendance (as I have provided my list). The invitations were designed with "real" leaves on them, which were so very elegantly done by my daughter, Kristian, and dear friend, Ming! All of the other planning of is very "hush-hush"!

I am having a "Nigerian" seamstress make me a beautiful dress made out of a fabulous lace from Nigeria. I am so excited!

The day before, Friday, November 3rd, I will be surprising a few other "Fabulous 50's", six women from my family and childhood buddies all born in 1956, that all grew up together, with an "adventurous journey"! They will meet at my home by 6PM, to be driven via a "limo" to have appetizers at a "Northern Lake Seafood", then dinner at "Shiraz", and then dessert at "Coach Insignia"!! These are all very fine, highly reputable restaurants located in the Detroit Area! They are going to be "blown -away" with a "Golden Ladies - Night on the Town"!!!

Michelle of Fort Lauderdale

Ten smart, funny, beautiful women, celebrated my entry into 50 under a full moon at the beach. We toasted our gifts of friendship to each other, celebrated our differences (we are gay, straight, immersed in childrens’ lives, child-free, professional, professional volunteers, working-at-home, single, committed, married, divorced. . . . ) laughed, ate, drank, jumped in the ocean at midnight. It was a lovely way to enter a new decade.
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